How to Increase e-Commerce Sales with Effective Copy Writing

Web Design | on Jul. 09, 2011 | by 0 Comments

An effective product description can boost sales tremendously and draw more customers to your web site. Not only will you be driving more visitors to your website, you will also be increasing your search traffic position, with each exclusive product description you add.

Many e-commerce dealers simply use photographs of the products they sell or the manufacturer’s description to promote their sales. Added to that they also add insufficient descriptions in other areas of their website, this generates inconsistencies throughout the pages of the website making it hard for users to browse through the site.

When creating product descriptions and copy writing for e-commerce retailers, you should keep in mind two main objectives; Persuade users that the product is just what they need and create a relationship based on trust.

Imagine you are a potential client and would love to touch and hold the product in your hands for a better assessment of quality and preference. Well, you cannot do that can you? This is why the more vivid a description is, the easier it is for the readers to imagine they are actually touching and looking at the product in person.

If you can foresee the users’ needs and create a setting of trust, which can convince them that the products you are selling are of the best quality then you have generated a new client. It is easier said than done, but it can be achieved with the use of effective copy writing.

Your descriptions and content need to written in the right tone, which has to be both appealing and informative. List all the benefits and how the product can be useful to the reader and what service he or she may expect from your website. When the content of a website is clear and reliable then people will naturally assume that your products are too.

The formatting of text is important and the use of bullets and paragraph settings is a good way to make the content more readable and appealing to read through. The use of paragraphs and bullets will add movement and appeal to the overall text provoking a more positive response.

A basic element to focus on for effective copy writing is to keep it easy to read through along with other important issues. Sentences that are too long to follow will bore people. People who cannot be bothered to read the description will not be convinced in buying the product.

Clichés and unnecessary jargon should also be avoided as it distracts the readers’ attention. Readers may also be unacquainted with some expressions and will not understand what it is you are trying to imply. You are trying to persuade people to buy your products so cut out all unnecessary words and get to the point.

Word your descriptions as simply as possible and make it easy to understand. Your aim is to clearly describe the product not to make an impression on the readers with your stylish writing. Make sure your tone is appealing as well as the text and use an active voice to describe your products.

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