A “coming soon” page or similar teaser pages on a website are those pages used by companies before they actually launch the final website on the Internet. Principally, they serve to test the ground and find out how users react to the new version or new website.
This coming soon page is extremely important and should not be underestimated. To develop effective teaser pages that will have an impact on users, four elements have to be covered when creating these pages: how much people will remember, how attracted they are to the pages, how much information has been passed on and the ability to collect data.
The coming soon page or teaser is now becoming popular on most websites, and there is of course a valuable reason for this. It takes time and effort to create one, but this is necessary if you wish to pave the way for a successful launching of a website before it appears online. Users will interact more willingly with the website when it does come out if they have had time to get to know it beforehand. By providing teasers you are also creating an aura of anticipation, leaving readers eager to find out how the end product will be. We all like to be first to know about something even before it is out in public, and this is the strategy teaser pages use to increase their audience.
The first issue to consider is to create an identity that will have an impact on your teaser page. This will have relevance with issues that relate to a product, be it the logo, style, colors anything that will produce a strong brand, which will remain etched in the users’ minds. A gimmick is a good way to be remembered, that is to create something that people have never seen before. Animation works well as a gimmick on a teaser page, while it could risk disturbing users on the main website.
Viral mechanisms in the pre-registration process are a new form in the development of the “coming soon” page. This is where users get personalized links to the teaser pages, allowing the website to be launched sooner according to the number of people who sign up. You can effectively have readers share your teaser pages not only by allotting them a privileged position but also by giving them something in return. This can be under the form of credits or other alluring promotional gifts.
Another trick is to make readers really want to see the final website. Although the teaser page does not allow for much space in which to talk about the product or service, it is important you make people feel they really want to know more about it. If your teaser uses well designed features to promote the coming product, people will naturally assume that the finished product will be good too.
Although a “coming soon” page is an important part of the pre-launch campaign, there are other issues to consider for the ultimate success. These include a Facebook page, Twitter account, blog amongst other possibilities. These options will allow users to react and leave comments and provide you with essential feedback that will help you improve your marketing strategy.
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