The Importance of Developing the Tone of a Website

Articles, Guide | on Sep. 12, 2011 | by 0 Comments

Have you ever stopped to consider how important the tone of a website is? Think how people’s voices and tones can influence you positively or negatively, the same can be said for a website. Although while it is obvious that there is no actual conversation or sound in the content you have on a website, there is however, a feel and tone in the way the content is expressed.

A friendly and appealing tone in a text or article will leave you feeling happy and also drive you back to that particular website because you like the tone it sets. The web designing market is very competitive with the various professionals striving to offer good rates and better quality, but what can make the difference between one website and another is the way and tone used to present the services and products.

It is easier to know which tone to use when you are standing in front of a person, as you can see how they react to your words or tone used. Know much of the business is carried out online and through websites, making a face to face relationship very rare, therefore our voice is no longer strategic, but what we write is.

When your write content and want it to be appealing to the readers, the best way to proceed is to imagine that the person you wish to have an impact on is in front of you and that you are actually talking to this person and trying to get your message over using the right tone. Most people automatically use a technical tone when having to create a text or content, with the effect of steering the readers away from the information, as the tone has become mechanical.

There is also a clear distinction between the tone of your voice and the actual voice itself. The tone refers to the verbal expression of the mood you are in or who you are talking to. You would not use the same tone of voice if you were speaking to a child or an adult. You need to choose specific words and structure them in a different way according to the person you are dealing with.

The voice presents your general personality, and it does not change, whether you are talking to a child or an adult. The same can be said for business voices, that may require different tones according to the various audiences, but the voice remains the same.

Before you chose the tone you wish to adopt in your website, you should consider two important points: find out which is your target audience and what is the goal the website wishes to achieve?

You can find out who your audience is by establishing their age group, where they live, the values they cherish and what it is they are looking for.

Now think about what it is your website has in mind. Is it a portfolio of your previous projects and work? Is it educational or an online community site? Is it a website that wishes to generate sales as an e-commerce or a website that wants to draw more customers?

Never forget what your target audience is if you want to set your tone and make it a successful one.

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