Secrets to One Page Websites

Articles, Guide | on Sep. 11, 2011 | by 0 Comments

Nowadays one page websites are a fast rising trend, although they cannot suit all business requirements, and therefore are not suitable for all companies. Many, however, are focusing on these one page websites, precisely because they are so popular, and if designed and well constructed, they can drive a lot of traffic to your business.

Before you do decide to create a one page website you should determine if it will work for your business type. Keep in mind that a successful one page website does not include too much content, and you only have one page to get all the information across and have a positive impact on potential clients.

You will find that many one page websites use unconventional layouts in order to attract attention, as well as trying to get as much content on one page without making it appear too cluttered or confusing.  The ideal one page websites are those that concern portfolios or businesses with limited services or products.

Follow a few specific steps if you want to achieve a successful final result, as the creation of one page websites can be critical. Make sure you keep the page as simple and as direct as possible. Keep to the point and avoid all excessive content and fluff; simply add the information that is relevant to your business or personal presentation.

In addition to keeping the readers focused on your page you need to showcase your services or products as effectively as possible. All one page websites have one purpose in mind, which is probably to showcase their work or services. If you concentrate your creation on a good layout and design you can direct the readers’ attention on the points you want them to see. Create larger images and text for the more important parts of your web page and smaller ones for the less important ones.

An introductory paragraph using large fonts is the quickest and most direct way to grab readers’ attention. Try to include all important information in this paragraph and specify what your field of specialization is, so the readers know who they are dealing with. Keep in mind that you do not have much space to do this in, and that if you cannot fit everything in, then a one page website may not be ideal for your line of work.

Many of these one page websites are pages introducing other websites with external links.  You can use these links to add other information, such as images, videos, YouTube accounts, and other social networks. This can help you expand on your one page website, just keep in mind that readers should be able to access these links easily and be aware they are being re-directed to an external page.

If you do not let your customers know they are going to an external link or different website, they may not like what they end up seeing and this may result in the loss of a potential customer. This may confuse people, who may think the link is a broken one leading to some other irrelevant website.

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