The Writing Process: setting yourself up, putting yourself in a good mood and reducing distractions

Web Design | on Jun. 25, 2011 | by 0 Comments

Today, we are going to discuss how you can get ready to work on any writing assignment.  Writing is a solitary job and requires one to be focused to do a good job.  These tips are good for anyone, but particularly applicable to freelancers since they don’t go to regular job in an office.  The flexibility of being able to determine the time and place you work is great. However, one has to be aware of how much time I used. Many people drawn away from their purpose and just waste time doing nothing. What is the reason?  I think that the most important items to be more productive are: 1) finding a suitable place to work; 2) minimizing distraction; 3) shutting out the world and 4) getting in the mood.

A Suitable Place to Work
Probably, the most important decision is where you will work.  It should be one that has good indoor lighting or it could be outside. I have worked in my kitchen or in another room, but not my bedroom.  For a long time, I worked in my bedroom. But, this reminded me of sleeping. Sometimes, I work in an out-door café. It is important that you have a place that will inspire you. Also, a non-cluttered and clean room will help.

Minimizing Distraction
If you are watching TV, listening to a radio or have your Ipod on, this will keep you unfocused. I minimize my distractions so I can be focused.  So, turn off all those things that are making noise and drawing you away from your purpose. Do you really miss out by not knowing up-to-the-minute news? Not really. Somehow, you find out the news anyway. Also, don’t be distracted by cool websites or too much reading of your e-mails.

Shutting out the World or Don’t bother me!
Turn-off all those Internet distractions like Skype, Gtalk and those messages from Facebook and Twitter. Don’t even check your e-mail. The more focused you are, the faster you will get your work done. A little bit of noise might help, may be a TV or music in the background.  Music, TV or other things in the background makes you feel like you are not alone and helps you feel better.

Getting in the Mood
A good way to get started on a project is by doing an Internet search on the topic you are writing. It helps when you are aware of the opinions of others on the topic you are researching. But, don’t overdo it! When you start to feel your creative juices start flowing, write down your Ideas.

While I hope you find these good guidelines, ultimately, you have to find out what works best for you. I just wanted to provide you some ideas so that you will think about the issue. Maybe, you have never thought about them.  The most important thing is to minimize distraction

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